attention gents..
here s one real person ad- you can trust.
no deposit/ no scaming.... no chinese,,, about international model type flair down to earth beauty -like it should b..serving all areas of the metroplex.
this one is real.... it goes like this; book without games and hassles- and i ll b on my way to your hotel or upscale residence.... isn t that simple..? just how it should b..
..allways dressed casaul-classy and arriving in upmost discretion with oil s/ lotions and other variety..... just call - dont text please..
quick disclaimer....mature clients only/ no games or discussions/ no extra photos will b provided/ no post college or milk computer bubi nerds- if you don t act mature all you ll get is a dialtone...comprende?? -great... thx and hope to see ya..
- Poster's age : 33
- Mobile : 6822324438
- City : Dallas
- Location : DFW Airport, frisco, gallaria